Saturday, February 9, 2008

Crib Baby Bumper Safety

If you are a mom, safety always comes first for your children, and especially a concern for a new mom with her first baby.

Crib baby bumpers have always been designed to prevent crib injuries; however, I have just been made aware that new research from Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis, Missouri, suggests otherwise. As babies get old enough to wiggle or roll around, they could get trapped and suffocated by the bumpers. Older babies could stand on the bumpers to get out of their cribs and get hurt or injured by a fall. According to study author Bradley Thach, MD, bumpers should not be used at all. If you choose to use them, he says, be sure to remove them before your child can move or roll around, usually by 3 to 4 months.

This information is provided as a safety measure for your child or children. Please post a comment if you would like, or if you have any further information on the subject.